Klubertemp HB 53-391 392
Klubertemp HB 53-391 HB Klubertemp 53-392 f是特别开发的润滑滚动轴承的压力高termal学科发展过程中Siempelkamp ContiRoll按这些产品被连续测试辊测试平台上受到现实测试在ContiRoll因此他们按批准的公司Siempelkamp KrefeldGermany
Klübertemp HB 53-391 Klübertemp HB 53-392 were especially developed f the lubrication of rolling bearings subject to high termal stress in Siempelkamp ContiRoll presses During their development these products were continuously tested on roller test rigs subjected to real-life tests in ContiRoll presses Consequently they were approved by the company Siempelkamp of KrefeldGermany
克鲁勃硅油 Kluber,KLUBER UNISILKON TK 002/1000,20 Kluber100,500 描述:UNISILKON TK002是透明的,基于甲基硅油的透明液体。这些油提供低稳定性好和高温。应用:脱模剂?对于橡胶和塑料?密封和焊接设备在包装和塑料加工机?防止在保护焊珠弧焊- 保护剂对于橡胶和弹性体部件,例如垫和型材- 滑动剂橡胶和合成材料,在包装的槽和滑道和自动售货机。- 润滑剂塑料和金属复合轴承和齿轮。 - 液压控制流体 - 润和扩大石油。